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Matt Dow's Letter

Dear Mr. Sim,

First: The book included in the envelope with this letter. I'm sending it to you for two reasons, 1) as a belated "Thanks!" for doing the signing at Graham Cracker Comics last July, 2) Warren Ellis mentions you twice (I've marked the pages but just in case the bookmarks fell out in shipping, the first is on page 103, and the second is on page 173,) and I thought you might be interested in what he had to say. If it turns out I thought wrong feel free to donate the book to the Kitchener Public Library.

Second: If anybody out there wants to petition Marvel Comics to reprint Gene Day's run on Shang Chi, Master of King Fu, they can send a message directly to Joe Quesada, Marvel's current Editor in Chief at his e-mail address: JOEYDAQ@aol.com or send it at Marvel's regular mailing address of: Marvel Comics
10 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016

Third: A few comments about the Cerebus. I'm really enjoying Latter Days. Although I'm not sure that I'm getting every joke, I laugh out loud every time I read a new issue. Keep up the good work Dave. You've given me a new appreciation for the three stooges. But, I'm starting to wonder just who Cerebus is telling the story of the latter days to?

The photos on the covers of Latter Days are credited as being taken by Ken Sim, who is he?

Since you've introduced Todd "Far Lane" McSpahn, I've kinda wondered what your take on the whole Todd McFarlane/Neil Gaimen/ Miracle Man controversy is. Seeing as you were working on Spawn #10 around that time, maybe you know something about the situation that the rest of us don't.

Fourth: I would like to make an offer to purchase the following pages of Artwork:

From phone book volume 7, Flight, page #17. I'm offering to pay $100.00 US

From phone book volume 7, Flight, page #18. I'm offering to pay $100.00 US

From phone book volume 7, Flight, page #19. I'm offering to pay $100.00 US

From phone book volume 7, Flight, page #20. I'm offering to pay $100.00 US

Thank You for your time,

Matt Dow