Artists: Dave Sim and Gerhard
As Dave said in Free Cerebus, "Gerhard pencils and inks the backgrounds...and I pencil and ink the people." Dave also does the writing and lettering for the series.
Here is my (still not finished) Bio of Dave Sim and here is my Bio of Gerhard.
Dave's Q&A Sessions: Here are the archived Q&A Sessions that Dave did with the Cerebus Yahoo!Group for the Cerebus ReRead.
Dave's Essay's
- Notes From The President Archive Over 50 "Notes From The President" which were orginally published in the inside front cover of Cerebus. Includes the Self Publishing Guidelines series.
- Archive Reports: Dave's reports on the progress of the Cerebus Archive. HTML and Word Doc formats.
- Islam, My Islam: Dave's essay on Islam and its history. HTML and PDF formats.
- Open Letter to FOL: An open letter to Friends of Lulu.
- Tangent: The full text of the essay printed in Issue #265 in HTML, PDF and Word Doc formats.
- Why An Aardvark?: A four part series on the origins of Aardvark-Vanaheim, inc and Cerebus.
- The Long Strange History of Phase II: Five part series on an limited edition print by Dave Sim and Neil Gaiman.
- Comics and the Mass Medium: A four part series that ran from issue #213 to 216 in which Dave talks about television. HTML format, and here is the Word Document (123 kb) and a PDF file (172 kb) of the entire essay.
- Mama's Boy: A five part series from issues #226 - 228, 230 and 231 in HTML, PDF and Word Doc formats.
- Spirits Having Flown: From the back of issue #207, Dave speaks about being the God Father of Self-Publishers and how he doesn't feel anything about other self-publishers' decisions.
- Why Canada Slept: From the back of several issues of Cerebus, Dave speaks about Canada's involvement in the Iraq war.
- Dave Sim's 1993 Pro-Con Speech: Dave sums up the basis for his self-publishing philosophy, in a long but invaluable speech. Topics include: why companies will screw you over, why you can't sue, and how to get started self-publishing.
- Xen Magazine Essays
- Cerebus No. 300 Tracing paper preliminary pencil drawings: Dave talks about how he uses tracing paper in the production of the original art of Cerebus.
Interviews With Dave
Misc Conversations with Dave
- exit Sandman: A conversation with Neil Gaiman.
- "Getting Riel": Conversation with Chester Brown