Note From The President, Cerebus 237, December 1998

Copyright 2007 Dave Sim


I did a radio interview back in 1992 in St Louis as part of the “big” media push for Cerebus (hi, Carol, hi, Sonny). It was one of the better spots that we had been able to gel, the morning-drive show, just me and the two hosts for a good twenty minutes or so.

Anyway, that was an election year Bill Clinton, George Bush, and me crisscrossing the country. One of the hosts asked me if I was following the election and if I had a preference between the two candidates.

“If Bill Clinton would divorce Hillary, he would have my unconditional support” I liked Bill right away and disliked Hillary intensely on sight.

I think it is extremely foolish for any man who is aspiring to higher office, to leadership, to be married in this day and age where women are not only allowed to judge men but where that situation has become an inevitability. When the Travelgate mess, the F.B.I. files mess, and the missing Arkansas land transaction records mess all pointed to Hillary, I used to ask the rhetorical question, “Say, if Hillary is forced to resign as First Lady, does that mean Bill has to serve the rest of his term with Tipper Gore as his wife?” That sad and degraded feministic strain in the White House family quarters that I anticipated back in High Society with reference to Astoria: the thirst for power but no stomach for elections.

And now poor Bill has to live as just another husband, judged and found wanting by the unfairer sex. I wonder how much of Hillary’s slat he takes every night (“You just couldn’t keep your pants zipped. Dammit, Bill, didn’t I tell you.. .“). Oh, well. As I said before that’s none of my business. That’s between Bill and God.

So far as I know, there’s nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says that you have to be married to become President It’s just another one of the many hidden gender rules, I guess. (“Thou shalt not become a world leader except that thou hast a ball and chain to rag on thine ass day and night”)


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